GCSE Inorganic Chemistry

What is here?

Worksheets and practical guides to support GCSE Inorganic Chemistry, and pages that describe and explain this.


Reactivity series of metals

Extraction and uses of metals

Acids, alkalis and titrations

Acids, bases and making salts

Chemical analysis


PDF codeTitle of worksheetDescription
G-inorganic-01-01Reactions of group 1 metals with water - fill-in sheetWorksheet
G-inorganic-05-01Displacement reactions of metalsPractical guide
G-inorganic-05-02Reactions of metals with dilute acidPractical guide
G-inorganic-05-03Reactions of metals with water and dilute acidsPractical guide
G-inorganic-05-04Displacement reactions of metalsQuestions
G-inorganic-05-05Reactivity series of metalsInformation
N-m05-12Metals and non-metalsSummary table
N-m05-14Uses of common metalsWorksheet
N-m05-15Acids, alkalis and pHWorksheet
N-m05-16Acids, alkalis and indicatorsWorksheet
N-m05-17Acids, alkalis and saltsWorksheet
N-m05-18How to use the burettePractical guide
N-m05-21The blast furnaceWorksheet
N-m05-22The blast furnaceLabelling a diagram
N-m05-28Blank results table for pH testing experimentsPractical add-on
N-m05-29A simple thermometric titrationPractical guide
N-m06-07The origins and maintenance of the Earth's atmosphereWorksheet
N-m06-09Air pollutionWorksheet
N-m08-06Physical properties of group 1 elementsWorksheet
N-m08-14Physical and chemical trends in the group 7 elementsWorksheet
N-m21-03Hard waterWorksheet
N-m21-04A solubility curve for potassium nitratePractical guide
N-m21-07How soluble are salts and hydroxides in cold water?Information
N-m21-08Identifying anionsInformation
N-m21-09The Chemical DetectivePractical Guide


By popular demand, the new GCSE worksheets include model answers where appropriate. Their PDF codes begin with G.

Older worksheets may not have model answers. Their PDF codes begin with N.

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