Web links

What is here?
You can find links to some other useful chemistry and science websites here. They should not have unsuitable or offensive material, but I am not responsible for their content.
GCSE Chemistry notes and revision
General help and revision site for Key Stage 3, GCSE, A Level Chemistry, with notes, multiple choice tests and structured questions.
Revision notes and videos for GCSE Chemistry.

A Level Chemistry notes and revision

Detailed descriptions and explanations of the chemistry covered by A Level courses. It is great for the bits that textbooks may do too quickly, and that students often find difficult.
Knockhardy Publishing – Science Notes
Revision notes, PowerPoint shows and multiple choice questions for A Level Chemistry.
Revision quizzes for A level Chemistry, grouped by exam board and topic. A licence for these resources costs £4.99 but there is a free trial.
General science news and information
Detailed information about each element.
Lots of interesting science articles.
The Nobel Prize Internet Archive
Who won one (or more), when, and for what!

UK university advice
Free independent source of information and advice to help you find the right UK degree course and university. Features a simple-to-use search tool that lets you filter course results on the things that matter most to you, real-life student insights from nearly 300 UK universities and colleges, plus expert advice on everything from applications to student finance.
The UK’s Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. It provides information, advice and guidance for people who want to go to university or college, or onto a degree apprenticeship.
An in-depth feature from Comparethemarket. Information covered includes the two types of student loans, financial support eligibility, alternative financing options if you are not eligible for a government loan, student finance repayments and situations that may lead to student loan cancellation.
A guide to boosting career prospects
Advice covering job seeking, job applications and interview tips. Aimed at graduates, but its content is also useful for school leavers.