Scientific calculator for chemists

About this calculator
This calculator can be used as a common scientific calculator (trigonometric functions, logarithms, powers, roots, reciprocals, factorials). However, it also includes a relative formula mass calculator, and tables with various physical and chemical constants.
The calculator produces a list with task history, storing all the recent inputs and results. You can also round values to your chosen number of decimal places. This is useful, for example, if you need to give relative formula masses as integers or to 1 decimal place.
Operations with the same precedence are performed from left to right, with operations enclosed in brackets carried out first. If brackets are nested, the results of the innermost set of brackets are calculated first.
All types of brackets are correct, e.g. (K3[Fe(CN)6])
Chemical formulae
You must enter element symbols properly, e.g. Hg rather than HG, hG or hg.
To show hydration, use the + sign, e.g. (CuSO4+5*H2O) for CuSO4.5H2O
For a formula that does not have brackets, you can enter a leading number with or without brackets, e.g. 3*CO2 is the same as 3*(CO2).
Physical constants
Clicking the Constants button causes a physical constants table to pop up. Click on the constant you want to enter into the calculation.
Spaces don’t matter. For example:
- 54 + 3*2 is the same as 54+3*2
Scientific notation
Use the standard calculator method. For example:
- 1e5 is 0.00001
- 1e+3 or 1e3 is 1000
Enter the mantissa as the positive or negative number, then click the EXP button. Or, type e and enter the exponent as a positive or negative number.
2+5–3.25 = 3.75 8+7+(42–16)*3 = 93 8+7+[(42–16)–7]*3 = 72 5*–7 = –35 7e–6/3e–9 = 2333.3333333333 H2SO4 = 98.07848
Scientific Calculator for Chemists is Copyright © 1998-2022 Eni Generalić (